Monday, September 21, 2015

Emotion Video- Stress

Stress from Luke Smith on Vimeo.


  1. I agree reading the bible can be very stressful

  2. The repeating shot of you shaking your head is great, it reiterates that all these things happening are stressing you out.

  3. Great video. You depicted the emotion well and in a funny manner. I liked how you kept going back to the scene of you with your face in your hand.

  4. I loved it, totally expressed stress, especially your calender all students can identify relate to that, great music choice as well.

  5. Your shots were positioned really well and the repetition of the shot of you shaking your head expressed how stressful the situations you depicted can be.

  6. I thought that the music choice was a little off. For stress I would have tried to find something a little more hurried or busy sounding.

  7. I liked all the different problems you showed and the music you chose went well with the emotion.

  8. I liked the point of view shot of the planner. It was neat how after each "stressful" situation you flipped back to the shot of you shaking your head. Nice work

  9. I liked the idea of your video. You portrayed stress in a good way.

  10. I think you did a great job at portraying stress. I also liked the shot of you shaking your head with your hand on your face whenever you encountered something stressful. It was kind of humorous as the viewer (obviously because we aren't the ones stressed out). I think you did a good job with different camera angles too.

  11. Your shots for this video were set up really well. My only criticism would be that when you're in the car and you facepalm, it cuts back to inside the house. Other than that it was good.

  12. I found it very entertaining. I'm sorry you had such a bad day, tomorrow will always be better. No, but seriously i enjoyed the bits where you were shaking your head after each stressful situation, that was hilarious. You did an awesome job, you had really clean shots, stable movement, and control oh and quality imagery.

  13. I enjoy running gags and the face palm was nice. You had a lot of good shots. I liked the pov shot of looking into the notebook. I'm not sure if your song choice exactly built stress maybe a song that the tempo increased would be nice.

  14. I liked how when something bad happened it went back to the face palm shot, I think it would have been a little better if you did them like in your car or when you were on the sofa when your laptop didn't work. I also think the music choice could've been a little better.

  15. It happens to the best of us. >.<
    Although there was no solution to any of them, it sure was fun(ny) to see all the problems accumulating. Only one detail to change ~ facepalm on the spot you're at rather than use the same shot. The camera movement was done well, showing all the important angles, detail.

  16. Polished. Well executed. You have strong skills, Jedi. It was really nice and I liked the humor too.

  17. It happens to the best of us. >.<
    Although there was no solution to any of them, it sure was fun(ny) to see all the problems accumulating. Only one detail to change ~ facepalm on the spot you're at rather than use the same shot. The camera movement was done well, showing all the important angles, detail.
